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Taking Kids4Kids Global

By January 14, 2015October 10th, 2023No Comments


Kikuyu Pediatric ward in Limuru, Kenya is an ongoing project of The Happy Africa Foundation. We are committed to raising funds and constructing a children’s ward in Kikuyu Hospital, which currently has no ward or specific facilities and equipment for children. Due to this, the hospital can only care for children within the existing adult wards. Children in Limuru are unfortunately not able to receive the specialized care, facilities or the safe environment they need for medical treatment.

This ward will provide the area of Limuru with a means for children to receive medical care and attention they desperately need. The ward will be furnished, equipped and staffed to ensure that the children are receiving the specialized care they require. However, we need to complete the building of this ward in order to help the children receive medical care. In addition to treating and saving the lives of children in Limuru, the ward will help the hospital continue to flourish. The hospital and the children’s facility will continue to provide the quality of care needed and give the people of Limuru the opportunity to thrive in a better, healthier life from an early age.

In October of 2014, an amazing campaign and fundraiser took place in Limuru to raise funds for the ongoing construction of the ward at Kikuyu hospital. The event, called Kids4Kids, included an awareness walk, a festival, musical performances and children’s games. Kids4Kids drew participants from 15 local area schools on the notion of children helping other children! While this campaign was a huge success, we still need to raise £11 750 to complete the pediatric ward.

We need your support to finish the children’s ward. The idea is to take Kids4Kids global! Schools and children all over the world can participate and help the children in Limuru. Whether it is a bake sale, a themed dress or non-uniform day, special events, or personal donations, the kids and schools in your area can make a huge difference to the children and the community of Limuru. Seeing Kids4Kids across the world would be truly amazing, and all in the spirit of creating something truly needed for other children!

We at The Happy Africa Foundation aim to make fundraising as simple as can be, so from ideas to donations, we’re here to help.

Email us at info@happyafricafoundation.org, and donate to the Kikuyu Pediatric Ward at  http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/team/kikuyukenya.

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