THAF and our partners African Impact have a common belief in the importance of encouraging students to read as widely as possible at an early age so they grow to love reading.
To this effect our Zambian intern, Hermann, was involved in the donation of an assortment of story and reading books on July 4th to two schools namely; Chocho Primary School and Highlands Primary School in Zimba and Livingstone district respectively. In total 180 books were donated, equally shared between the schools.
In thanks, Mrs Muma, the overseer of one of the schools said now each student will have access to more than one book and a variety to choose from in contrast to the past were four students had to try and share one book! This will not only replenish the school libraries but it will also encourage reading which will improve literacy standards in the long run. Happy Africa Foundation Donation of books to promote reading and improve literacy, Improve literacy, donating books, school libraries, encourage reading