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Helping Hands – Zanzibar Nutrition

By March 25, 2015October 10th, 2023No Comments

Written by our Zanzibar intern Ceit Mackintosh

Ibrahim and Sirajatil Mounira nursery schools are two of the poorer schools we work with here in Jambiani.

Most of the children come from impoverished backgrounds and cannot afford two proper meals a day, so they often arrive at school having not eaten since the previous evening. Lessons, which include Kiswahili, Arabic and English language lessons, were made even more challenging since they were tired and struggled to concentrate with a lack of energy.

To solve this situation, The Happy Africa Foundation has been supporting these schools for the past four years by providing the children with porridge for breakfast every morning. Large pans of warm porridge are prepared by the nursery teachers every morning in the playground for around 100 children at each school. The children love the sweetened porridge and usually go up for seconds!  Small snacks such as peanuts and popcorn are sold by the teachers for the children to add to their porridge.

The Nutrition Project has been highly successful. It’s improved the children’s ability to learn, as well as ensuring that they receive a nutritious meal five days a week. The Happy Africa Foundation aims to continue long term involvement with Ibrahim and Sirajatil Mounrira nursery schools so even more children can experience the benefits of a substantial meal before the school day begins.