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Education & Enrichment

Empowering Lives and Shaping a Brighter Future: LETs Program Expands to the Libuyu Community

By Education & Enrichment, News

The African Impact Foundation’s LETs (Life Empowerment Training and Support) program has reached the vibrant and beautiful Libuyu community. This marks a significant milestone in our mission to empower individuals and create lasting change. We are thrilled to share this exciting news and are inspired by the remarkable warm reception and support we have received. Our enthusiasm to make a positive impact is stronger than ever.

Addressing the Needs.

Libuyu, located in Livingstone, Zambia, is a densely populated area that faces unique challenges, particularly in reproductive health. Recognizing the pressing need for support, the Ministry of Health in Zambia has opened clinics in Libuyu to address the high number of pregnancies in the community. Within this context, our LETs program has provided valuable education and support.

Engaging Workshops.

We kicked off our Reproductive Health and Wellbeing Workshops (LETS) with Group 5 this week. The response has been nothing short of inspiring. Over 30 participants eagerly joined us, genuinely wanting to learn and grow together. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our partners at Libuyu Clinic for their invaluable support, contributing to the resounding success of this launch.

Creating an Enriching Experience.

During one of our recent sessions, community members enthusiastically delved into the goals, purpose, and mission of LETs. These workshops are carefully designed to foster interactivity, providing a safe space for open dialogue. We were thrilled to witness the participants’ level of engagement and willingness to share their thoughts, opinions, and insights regarding reproductive health and family planning. We can foster a culture of understanding, support, and informed decision-making through these discussions.

Education as Empowerment.

At the African Impact Foundation, we firmly believe education is the key to empowerment. Through the LETs program, we aim to equip individuals with the knowledge and resources to make informed choices and lead healthier lives. By providing this platform for knowledge-sharing and community building, we are shaping a better future for all.

Expressing Gratitude.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all participating community members in the workshops. Your engagement and enthusiasm inspire us to continue our work with dedication and passion. We also want to acknowledge the unwavering commitment of our dedicated team and partners. Together, we are making a significant difference in the lives of individuals and families in the Libuyu community.

Looking Ahead.

As we continue our LETs journey, we maintain our commitment to empower lives and drive positive change, one workshop at a time. Stay connected for further updates as we extend our reach and leave a lasting impact. Remember, there are no limits to what we can achieve when we unite.

The African Impact Foundation’s LETs program has taken an exciting step forward by extending its reach to the Libuyu community. We empower individuals with the knowledge and resources to make informed decisions about their reproductive health through engaging workshops and open dialogue. We express our deepest gratitude to all who have been a part of this journey so far, and we invite everyone to join us as we work towards a brighter future.

Find our more about our impact, here

Disrupt the cycle of poverty with African Impact Foundation 

Bethel Academy, Limuru

By Education & Enrichment
This project is dedicated to building new bathrooms, as well as updating the aesthetics of the Bethel Academy school by painting walls and roof – providing much needed renovations for the 190 learners at the school.
Bethel Academy is prioritized as it is a community school and has increased in size, with no increase in funds or facilities. Currently 190 children are sharing 4 bathrooms and queuing during their breaks to use the very basic toilets. They also have a student with physical disabilities, who is not able to use the current toilet, due to the size of the wheelchair and instead the teachers are having to use diapers.

Bethel Academy is a community school funded by community support and donations. The project is directed towards providing additional facilities to the school, whose capacity is limited due to the increase of student numbers and the presence of a special needs student.

We are currently fundraising for a bathroom for all the children at Bethel Academy, as well as for aesthetically uplifting the school’s appearance with a coat of paint to make the school a more attractive and engaging place of learning. This project will significantly impact the children, with increased learning and playtime, uninterrupted by queuing to use the limited bathrooms.

Short Term Impact:
There will be an increase in sanitation and hygiene which seeks to increase basic human dignity, access and to the contrary, de-crease absenteeism.

Long Term Impact:
These renovations will also help the school meet the required standards by Ministry of Education to provide improved sanitation and efficiency.

The African Impact Foundation projects in Kenya are based in the Limuru District of Kiambu County in the Central Province of Kenya. The majority of the population in the Central Province are Kikuyu – the largest ethnic group in Kenya. However, due to its close proximity to the capital city, Nairobi, the Limuru area is quickly becoming a cosmopolitan area. Other communities (Luhya, Luo, Kamba, Maasai, Kisii) have settled in Kiambu County as a result of rural-urban migration in pursuit of employment and other economic opportunities.

Bethel Academy is a community school in Limuru, Kenya where there is a massive lack of resources and funds for the school and the students’ learning.

  • 2018: We identified the lack of toilets and poor hygiene at the school as over 100 students were using two small, unhygienic toilets. Therefore, sufficient funds were raised to build new, clean, wheelchair friendly, accessible toilets for students. Additionally, classroom refurbishments took place in order to make the classrooms safer and a better learning environment for young students. We completed this project in 2018 and will continuously check in to see the improvement of hygiene and learning environments at Bethel.

Sponsor a Child, Zambia

By Education & Enrichment

 “The best thing about going to school is that I get to learn new things and it’s good for me because in life I can have a better future because of education and I can live a good life.” – Sponsor a Child Student 


Zambia is an exceedingly poor country with 78% of the population living on less than a dollar a day. 47% of children in Zambia do not finish primary school and 65% of the children who do complete primary do not enter secondary school. 41% of Zambian children are forced into labour and almost 1 million girls in Zambia are forced into early marriage every year.

We provide children in Livingstone, Zambia, identified and assessed by our local community partners, with the opportunity to go to school through sponsorship. To date, over 160 children have received an education thanks to the incredible generosity of sponsors.

For every child sponsored, the community of Livingstone takes one step closer to having a brighter and more prosperous future. Without education, children will not have the tools to thrive at future jobs and the cycle of poverty will continue through generations. A formal education gives children the opportunity to create a better life for themselves, their families, and their communities in the future.

Your sponsorship pays school fees for a year, and provides a set of uniform and shoes, a school bag, stationary, exercise books, and necessary textbooks. In addition, 29.5% of the sponsorship fee goes into a fund to improve the quality of education for all students at their school, both now and in the future.

For about a dollar a day you’ll give a child an education and a pathway out of poverty. Make a one time donation or donate monthly and we’ll send you details of the children you have sponsored.

How much does it cost?
Primary School (grades 1 – 7) = $315
Junior School (grades 8 – 9) = $420
Secondary School (grades 10 – 12) = $455

Please email our Sponsor a Child Coordinator in Livingstone, Sharon, on zsac@africanimpactfoundation.org for more information.
